Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What Scenery Is Like

I was digging through a box of old books and found a folder containing some of my writings from 2003-04. Most of them were pages of nonsense, but I came across this bit of poetry and thought I'd share it with you. I hope you like it.

Scenery is like an old quilt -
From a distance, the same as all the rest,
but up close, unique, different, with charm all it's own.

Scenery is like a cloud -
Silently shifting, moving, changing,
Almost imperceptibly, reflecting it's past, revealing it's future,
Yet never exactly either, but the present.

Scenery is like old age -
Always worn, venerable, noble,
But still friendly, comforting, caring, living.

Scenery is like the ocean -
Breathtaking, beautiful, awesome,
with wave on wave
extending endlessly outward, onward, beyond the horizon.

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